Answers to our most asked questions...

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do ship internationally! International order transit times can range anywhere from 1-6 weeks. Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.

My tracking information has been listed as 'Pre-Transit' for a few days. Has my order been shipped out yet?

The status of your order is based on being scanned into the postal system - sometimes packages have been shipped out but are either waiting at the post office for their first scan, or were missed and so the tracking isn’t updating with their progress. If your package has been listed as ‘pre-transit’ for 2 weeks with no tracking updates, send us an email at and we can consider your order lost in transit and ship out a replacement. 

My tracking information says my package was delivered, but I'm not seeing it anywhere. What should I do?

We have had USPS mark some orders as delivered before actually dropping them off, so if you don't see the package in your mailbox 3 days after your tracking was marked as delivered we would be happy to consider your order lost in transit and send out a replacement to you. Make sure to ask anyone who could have received your order accidentally or accepted it on your behalf - such as roommates and neighbors - before considering your order missing. Please send an email to to let us know about the missing package!

My package is being returned to sender. Can I still receive my order?

If your order is returned to sender due to an incorrect shipping address we will contact you about sending it out to the correct address when we receive it back at our warehouse. Unfortunately we cannot cover international return orders, and will provide a refund on your order (minus shipping) if it is returned to us.

How often do you release new products?

We have product releases 1-2 times per month. Follow along on Instagram to see what's coming soon!

What nail glue do you recommend?

We recommend a professional nail glue such as KISS Nail Glue or Beetles Gel Polish Nail Glue.

How long do the nails stay on?

Wear time depends on how well you prep your natural nails before application, how rough you are on your hands and your choice of adhesive. With adhesive tabs you can wear them for a few hours up to 7 days if you're wearing them for a special occasion. With nail glue, for about 1 to 3 weeks. We include detailed instructions with every order.

I'm worried that my nails are going to pop off. Any tips on how I can avoid this?

Make sure to follow our Nail Prep instructions included with your order. This step is key to long wear. In addition, you can apply a Dehydrator and Primer for better adhesion. This is the same product nail techs use before gel or acrylic application so the product can adhere to your nails.You can also try using both adhesive tabs and nail glue together. Follow nail prep instructions and apply the nail tabs. Then apply nail glue over the tabs or on the back of the nail. Press and hold the nails in place for a few seconds. This dual adhesive combo allows longer wear time.

Are the nails reusable?

Yes! The use of nail tabs will make the nails reusable.

For those that prefer nail glue, I would suggest purchasing an inexpensive electric nail file. It'll gently buff away any built-up glue on the back of the nails and give you many more wears.

Are the nails strong?

Yes! All of our nail sets have a layer of hard gel, which makes the nails hard yet flexible enough to fit comfortably on the nail.

Do you offer free shipping?

Shipping is free to the U.S. on orders of $35+! International shipping is charged according to available rates, based on weight of the items ordered and the package's destination.

Do you offer promotions or discounts?

We do! You can get 15% off by signing up for our email list:

I need to make edits to or want to cancel my order. Is that possible?

If you need to change your shipping address, make edits to your order, or want to cancel an order please email us at We will try to accommodate the changes or cancellation to the best of our ability as long as we have not yet shipped out your order! 

To cancel or make edits to your order, you must contact us within 24 hours of purchase. After 24 hours, we cannot guarantee changes or cancellations. 

If an item is not delivered to the buyer because of an inaccurate shipping address, a full refund or replacement order is not guaranteed.

We cannot make modifications to your billing address or payment method.

What do I do if I received the wrong item or my order was damaged in transit?

If you received the wrong item or your order was damaged in shipping, we are happy to send you a replacement. Please reach out to us at to get a replacement order set up! Please include a photo of the item you received and any damage to your order with your email. Unfortunately, we cannot cover replacements for items damaged or broken after delivery.

Do you accept returns or exchanges?

We do accept returns and exchanges within 30 days of delivery. Buyers are responsible for return shipping fees. Please see our Store Policies for more details.

Still have questions? Contact us!